Monday, February 1, 2010


So, my New Year's resolution this year was to put in some serious writing time. This isn't the first time I've made this resolution. Back in 2007, I reserved the domain and setup a blog, but I slowly drifted away from into compiling histories, which, it turns out, doesn't really draw the crowds. After that, it degenerated further into lists of link, which it turns out, doesn't do much for the ol' witting skills.

But this year, I'm turning over a new leaf. I've launched this new domain so that I don't fall back into old habits, and starting today, I'm going to keep my resolution.

Rather than falling back on comedy or the usual journal most bloggers keep, I'm going to write what I had in mind back when I originally registered the domain for The Great Geek Manual - a book of geek philosophies, sort of like a Life's Little Instruction Book for modern geeks.

I hope you all enjoy reading me. Feel free to chime in with opinions and suggest entries!

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